Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Martha, Martha, Martha

 My last post was way back in October... and here we are on the eve of a brand new year.
Once again, I have no 'resolutions'.

What I do have is fretfulness.
What do we do when we don't know WHAT to do, and there seems to be no ready solution?
  I was in the shower after emailing a friend. I outlined my stress and worries to her. As I washed,  Martha came to mind. The Martha of the Bible. She was busy making things happen. Sometimes, she got exasperated when others did their own thing, instead of pitching in to help.
Showering, I was convinced that there really aren't enough people who set aside what THEY would rather be doing, to make sure that other people get the care they need.
I was looking up what we know about Martha in the Bible. Was she too busy "doing" to sit and listen to Jesus? Perhaps we we have more scriptures regarding Martha than we do Mary. We know Mary sat and listened to Jesus. Martha served. Maybe she really wanted to sit and listen as well... but someone has to cook the food, wash the dishes, chase the children. Martha stood guard between the chaos of life, and this allowed Mary the opportunity of sitting at Jesus feet. Jesus didn't rebuke Martha for getting things done, He simply told her that her sister had chosen the better option.

I wonder what happened next. Did Martha take a seat?

Here I am fretting over things that need to be done. Things out of my personal power to control. I was told, we will need to pray about what to do. I AM praying. (How can I pray and fret at the same time?)

"We will do something when we hear from The Lord. HE will tell us what to do."
(Yes! but Lord, You know You are going to have to be incredibly plain spoken on what we need to DO. Otherwise, we sit and do nothing... because some of us can't hear You unless You shout. And send a notarized, certified letter with explicit instructions.)