Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Another day- another round of The Bug That Is Upon Us.

I wish we had established beforehand some Rules.

Simple rules- like:

If your aim is off, wipe your spew off the toilet rim and floor.



(I don't care which end was over the toilet bowl.)

Do NOT leave half-sipped cups of soda sitting around for "later". (I have a toddler in the house!)

Is it really too much to ask?


Mr C joined the ranks early this morning.

I don't know if I haven't had it as bad as everyone else, or if it just hasn't hit me yet. I have not felt well- but I haven't been incapacitated.

All I felt like doing last night was going to bed- with everyone else already down, but the kitchen wasn't cleaned. The dishwasher of the day was down and out. Someone had at least put away the chicken soup after supper and stacked the dishes in the sink. So The Mom washed the dishes and washed the counter-tops and table. Took about all the energy I had, but I like having things in order when I wake up, and so far in my life, I have learned you cannot rely on the Dish Fairies to show up during the night.


It seems like so many people around me have lost loved ones this month. My DIL's Seneca and Glynna each lost an uncle. My niece Casie lost her MIL yesterday. Glynna's GF had a heart attack during their Easter dinner- but he is recovering. Please pray for these families.


I did get the Pampered Chef invitations addressed. I ran out, so some of you folks who have already said you would try to come, may not get one. You are still invited! For that matter, anyone reading can come to it, if you like. Just let me know- I can provide the address and directions.


With Mr C home sick, I may not be posting for a few days. Just check back when you can!

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