Friday, May 6, 2011

Laundry soap and rambling

I got lazy for awhile, and bought laundry detergent. With the boys cleaning their rooms this week, and me slacking on laundry, I saw the end of my latest purchased bottle looming soon. I had the ingredients on hand to make my detergent, and it really doesn't take much time at all. So I sloughed off some lazy and made the soap.
I used:
 1 cup grated Fell's Naptha Soap , which I purchased online at Amazon.
 1 cup Borax (Which can be purchased at Amazon, or most grocery stores)
 1 cup washing soda (a.k.a soda ash) also available at Amazon, or pool supply houses) (NOT baking soda)
 1/2 cup DAWN liquid dish washing soap
 5 gallon bucket or several empty laundry detergent bottles

Put the grated soap into a deep pot. Add 6 to 8 cups of hot water. Heat, stirring frequently, until the grated soap is all melted. Stir in the borax, and the soda ash. Stir until the powders are dissolved. Remove from heat. ***If this stuff starts to boil, turn down/off the heat. It will boil over in a heartbeat and clean your stovetop within and inch of its enamel!*** Set your 5 gallon bucket into the sink
Stir in the DAWN dishwashing liquid. Pour the soap mixture into the five gallon bucket, and begin adding warm water, stirring as you add, until the bucket is nearly full.
Put the lid on and let set overnight.
This will "gel" slightly, to something between egg drop soup consistency, to a much firmer gelled mass. (If the mass floats on a liquidy base, shake or stir before using. Use about 1 cup per load. Cost about 1.5 cents per load.
I got several Mother's Day gifts a bit early. One son sent a pencil drawing of all the grandkids. Another sent me roses! I have received several cards... and it is still two more days til the "big day". The twins are cooking something up.... I have been informed I have to wait til Sunday to find out just what!

Tonight for supper, I am trying a recipe for Rosemary Chicken. I have never cooked with rosemary before, so we will see how it goes over. If it is good, I will post the recipe over at the cooking blog.

Meanwhile... Mt. Washmore beckons me back to its slopes. With no good excuse to NOT do the laundry, I best heed its call.
Have a blessed day!

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