Monday, January 14, 2013

Mixed Bag

Mr C missed all but one day of work last week with what I am calling the flu. Sam was ill with a sore throat, complete with blisters. (Not the white patchy kind associated with strep). Dan was under the weather a couple of days, and I ran a fever one day and have had a couple days of speechlessness. I was glad mine didn't turn out to be the flu, for sure. Seems anything I catch seems to settle in my bronchials and larynx, several times each year. Sometimes I don't even feel bad or have a fever, I just have no voice.
Everyone seems to be on the mend now, though.
I go tomorrow to talk to O'Reilly's about starting back to work there. (Low full time, 32 hours or so a week.)
The house buying is still stalled, though we did hear from the real estate lady, saying she has had no word at all from the seller since our last inquiry. We are evaluating our stance.
It is cold here... about 28* at the moment, but we are promised a high of 34* by the afternoon. There is sleet on the ground from several nights ago. Looks like worse weather is hitting to our south and east today, freezing rain, sleet, and such. Sunny but cold here.
For those of you who didn't see Facebook... Roger has a memorial Shutterfly site, with pictures and room for comments from any who have anything to say.

May your day be blessed! Thank you for reading.

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