Monday, February 28, 2022

Howdy Howdy Howdy

 February has gotten away from me. Here we are on the last day of the month. As is often the case in this part of the world, February was full of ice and snow. We had several inches of pellet ice this past week. My friend from Colorado tells me this is called "grabel"... not "Sonic (brand) ice falling from the sky".
  My newest Daughter-in-love, Ruby Coder is finally here in the USA! We attended her and Tommy's reception last weekend.

Nickole had her 13th birthday on February 25th. She has grown SO much since she arrived to live with us (3 years come May). She was going to go visit her Mom for her birthday, but icy roads kept us all at home. We rescheduled for this coming week. After that, our next round of scheduled fun will be VISITORS! Two of Tom and Bob's sisters plan to visit us "in the Spring". Becky and kids want to visit us while the Aunts are here. Overcrowding may not be an issue, as the Aunts intend to stay at a hotel. (The Casino hotel may add a layer of fun for them!) And, I can hope that the back porch enclosure may be ready by then. So far, it has the roof on the framework. Poor weather on weekends, as well as travel, has kept it from progressing as quickly as we might have hoped.

I need to get to Texas to see my folks ASAP. Dad has been less than great for awhile. Between his teeth, his back, Parkinsons, and aches and pains associated with life in general- he's not doing as well as I would like. It's hard living far from family... and with parents and children, as well as grandchildren, being scattered across the US (and other countries!!!) We just don't see everyone as often as I would like.
I know I have said it before... these are amazing times as compared to a century or more ago- when moving across the USA was difficult to stay in touch as moving to another country.
These days, we have instant messages. We have "zoom" and "Face Time" to communicate eye to eyes in real time. Still, nothing beats a real, in person hug.
Benjamin is still fighting the fight against cancer. Things looked down for awhile, until Paula contacted a place in New Mexico. (Or was it Arizona? anyway...) The Doctor there was quite encouraging and gave them a number of pointers on treatments to add. Things are once again looking good.
However, please keep everyone in prayer. Ben, against  cancer. Paula for stress- which has a terrible impact on her overall health. Becky for the continued demands of widowhood with children. Daniel and Sam pray for spouses. Tommy, of course, for the the new path he is on to be joyous and fruitful.

We have garden fever starting. This week is as warm as last week was cold! From temps in the teens, to the upper 60's this week. With the economy seeming to tank around us, the garden is important to feed the family. With going keto, what we plan to grow is slightly different than in years past.
We are considering trying again to keep chickens.
Going concerns are keeping the dogs safe at the house. New neighbors have a new dog (Delilah) that is a BAD influence. She and Aurora will roam far, far from home. Aurora had already begun chasing big trucks. We need an invisible fence, or a large fenced in area to keep her home. Plus, to be ready for Dan's Trans-Continental bike ride this fall. His Dante is supposed to stay here.

I have bone broth finishing up in the pressure canner. Last year's canned tomatoes are waning. I hope with have enough to last until we start getting fresh this year.
I hope you have a blessed day. Thank you for reading.

It is 10 days from the 10 year anniversary of losing Bill. March 10. The 10th will be 10 months since Stephen was killed.
The 1 year anniversary of Arlene passing was this past week, the 24th. On that day, my kitty Linus died.
There were no marks on him, but if he had been sick, we were not aware of it.

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