Wednesday, May 5, 2010

happy dancing

I got permission from Mr C to go down to Russellville to see my Mom on Sunday!

It still hasn't been determined if he and the twins are coming along or not. I had thought it would be the ideal day to bug bomb the house. (The annual fighting of the fleas!)

Since Mr C isn't sure what he wants to do, he said go ahead and bomb tomorrow. Tomorrow is Oil day, so it may be close to noon by the time I get home. Not sure what we will do to kill 4 hours. Possibly go antiquing. I'm blessed with kids who love to go poking around in old antique and junk stores.

Note to self: Three weeks from tomorrow is May 28th, the day we repeat the bombing. (Also Becky and Stephen's five year anniversary!, as well as my brother Eric's birthday.)

One month from today, I get to go get my LG and Ty'ger and LG2! Whoo! They will be here a few days before we head to the Michael family reunion. I am already getting things together for camping. I have my master list of lists of stuff we have to take along. I began gathering things and organizing them yesterday. Other than food, and maybe one more storage tote, I think I might have everything together.

Any volunteers to doggy sit for us in June? I'll deliver!

Have a wonderful day! Be blessed!

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