Thursday, September 22, 2016

My project today: A casserole carrier

I *pinned* some casserole carrier ideas to my Pinterest board a few months back. My mom had mentioned she'd like to have one. And here it is, almost her birthday, and me at a loss for what to give her.
I saw that Becky had *pinned* some items this morning, and while browsing, I remembered Mom wanting a casserole carrier. Off I went to the fabric store, looking for some pre-quilted fabric.
(My goodness that stuff is expensive!)
Once home, I got out one of my casserole dishes and set about imagining how this carrier should look. I double-checked Pinterest for ideas, but ended up just doing my own thing.
My casserole carrier looks more like a blanket with handles.
The casserole dish set in the center, a couple corners flipped to show coordinating fabric.

The butterfly potholder.

All folded up to carry

Ends folded towards center, over casserole dish

All ready to carry
Three of sides folded over center

One side folded over casserole dish
The quilted fabric is thin, but will offer SOME insulation. It is an overall print on solid on one side, and coordinating stripes on the other. I took the wee bit I had left and made a free form butterfly potholder. Finished the potholder with a bit of ribbon and button. The potholder is double thickness of the quilted fabric, but still rather flimsy.
I left my sewing stuff out, hoping to get started on "mermaid tails" for the grand girls! 

1 comment:

Rose Wiggins said...

It is absolutely perfect and I LOVE it. Can't wait to show it off at the next covered dish event. what makes it even more special is being handmade by my favorite daughter.I love you so very much!!