Thursday, February 21, 2019

Best laid plans of mice* and Moms

*No mice are involved in this post!

So, Ben and Paula decided to take an extra day in arriving, so they can detour by and introduce Milo to his Great Grands in East Texas!
That's OK... but I went into crastination mode.
I think my elementary school science is coming into play in my life. I'm becoming inert. (An object at rest tends to stay at rest unless acted upon by an outside force.)
I'm getting so that I don't leave the house unless acted on by an outside force. In today's case, my outside force is that we have guests coming. My floors need to be swept, as one of these guests is still basically a crawler. My broom is broken. For real, not like a child's retort, "Do it yourself, your leg's not broken!"
Jaffa seems to have intestinal parasites, which has cause some vomiting. I had not associated vomiting with parasites, but he exhibited other telling behavior and I looked up treatment- and found vomiting is also a sign of parasites.
Anyway, Jaffa vomited by the front door. Mr. C was forced to deal with it, as I am a sympathetic puker.  Despite being asked to use the ratty "porch broom" (about a dozen times in the past!) for clean ups of this kind, he grabbed my 'good' kitchen broom. During the course of the clean up, the broom's handle bent, almost in two pieces. It is rendered useless.
So "broom" was added to the shopping list. And I need it TODAY.
The shopping list has grown. It is longer today than it normally is for an entire week's worth of shopping- and we just went Monday! We had skipped buying fresh fruit, thinking we had "plenty". Found we had a couple of apples and one orange when we got home. Not cool! Didn't have any yogurt left, when we thought we had several on hand. So- to market I go. Today.

Then, floors and bathrooms remain on my to-do list. (Laundry is caught up, horizontal surfaces are purged and cleansed.) I have bedding and such set into the "guest" room, but not set up. Mr C has boxes of car parts that need toted OUT of the living room to his tool shed tonight. I need to locate the stored box of toys and bring them in from storage, and we will be all set.
I suppose I better get myself in gear and GO!
Have a blessed day.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Tuesday Morning (not the store)

I have a rough outline for this week.
Yesterday was our routine Monday grocery shopping and errands, followed by the blood drive in the evening. I had possibly the worst time ever for the blood donation.
The tech stuck the needle in my arm, but missed the vein. She slid the needle back, without removing it from my arm, and gave it another jab. Missed again. Fished around with the needle under the skin, jabbed again. Another miss. I offered that she could remove the needle and try the other arm.
Nope. She was determined. It took about four tries before she got any blood to flow. It wasn't my usual quick pint. The next person in line behind me was brought in, set up, and finished five minutes or more before my pint was full. Today my donation site is so sore I can hardly use my arm.

Today's plan: laundry and laundry room. (I already have a load of segregated clothing in the machine!) Yesterday, my DD Becky joined an internet debate on whether or not to sort clothing. My kids were all taught to sort! So... in ten or fifteen years, if my grandchildren do not sort laundry and are posed the question: "Didn't you ever learn to do laundry?" well then, it's not MY fault!
 I may try to get to "floors"- I got a new squirty wet mop.

Tomorrow: Bathrooms, and finish floors
Thursday: Set up guest room and make sure the house is reasonably baby-proofed. (We got new guest pillows, Hooray!)
Friday: Thrift shopping and fun stuff with Ben and Paula

Depending on the weather, we hope to have a bonfire while Ben and Paula are here. Mr C is talking about Rusty and Randy Roosters being a featured food, rotisseried over coals. We are both fed up with being challenged as to which of us (Human or rooster) is cock of the walk every time we go out to the pen.

I need to bring the box of toys in from the storage shed.

Those are my basic "plans" for the week.

May your week be blessed!

Friday, February 15, 2019

February, still.

How can the shortest month of the year feel like the longest? I don't know.
(Since my Texas trip, I think I have left the house three times, so that might account for it.) We have had many forecasts from the weather guessers, predicting snow and/ or ice. Thus far, we really haven't had much more than a dusting.
I am grateful that we have all remained well! Our local grocery store had two managers running the entire (small) store, as all their employees were out sick. Even the one manager checking us out was working ill! (Bad idea, how many more people were exposed? But in a corporate world, he had little choice.) Our local school called off today, Monday and Tuesday to disinfect their entire school and give those out sick opportunity to recover. They asked people if they are sick, to PLEASE not return until they are well.
I have a nice supper planned for tonight. Roasted root veggies (beets, carrots, onions) with mushrooms, butternut squash (& whatever else we have on hand) with baked stuffed chicken, with a cheese sauce. (Deciding on stuffing ingredients. Spinach, onion, + something for crunch)
   I made some simple GF peanut butter cookies this afternoon. Gluten free, dairy free, sugar free... not too bad. I don't care for a chewy cookie, but the taste isn't bad. I'm thinking of making a filling and turning them into whoopie pies, to feel more like a dessert. (The filling may not be DF, SF, we will see what I can do). The link above is the recipe I sort of used- it said honey or cane sugar could be used, but I used coconut sugar. It worked.
  Monday is the blood drive that the twins and I have been participating in for several years now. The blood Bank never fails to call me- I didn't realize how relatively rare O- (universal donor) blood is. Only about 7% of the US population is O-. When you read down the list of constraints AGAINST donating blood at all, it's no wonder they call! Types of medications you take, recent piercings and tattoos can all be reasons they cannot accept a donation. I encourage those of you who CAN donate blood of ANY type, to do so. And pray over your donation! Life and Health to the recipient.

Grand daughter Alana is selling Blue & Gold (sausage, bacon, breaded chicken) as a fundraiser to get new uniforms for her high school band! Contact me if you are interested and I will get you in touch with her. (Orders must be in by 2/22). (2lb. sausage $7; 3 lb. bacon $16;  5lb. bag breaded seasoned chicken $21)

We are 10 days from grand daughter Nickole's 10th birthday! If you need her address to send her a card, contact me. Her birthday is the 25th.
May your day be blessed. Remember to lift up others in prayer, the unlovely as well as the beloved!

Friday, February 8, 2019


Traveling solo is an awesome time to pray and spend time with the Lord. I have been doing the "Pick a person and pray for them every day for a month" idea. I can't just choose one person. I usually pick two or three. Due to a comment Mr C made to me, this month I chose some of my least favorite people, to pray for.
   God has been whispering in my ear about the grating people in my life. The ones who shred my last nerve, the ones I'd just as soon not ever be around, much less pray for. Should they not be a priority on my prayer list? If I am not praying for them, who IS?

Last week, I drove to Texas to attend the annual H.O.M.E. (Heart of Motherhood Enrichment) Retreat in Brownwood. I went with my daughter & daughter-in-law, and got to see many old friends. As long as I was "in the neighborhood" (HaHa, Texas is a BIG neighborhood!), I stopped to see as many family members as I could in the short time frame. Most of the people I got to spend 20- 30 minutes with. It seems like you stretch time pretty thin when you are traveling on a deadline.
   I got to see Daniel's cute little garage apartment! Ben and I got to visit a short while, with him up well past his bedtime. (It was after 7 when I got to his house, he had to be up for work by 5!) I rode to Retreat with Paula. She and Becky and I sat at tables nearby one another. Becky was a kitchen helper, and mostly was NOT able to visit.
She and I had adjacent bunks in the Young Helpers cabin, where we were more or less supervising half a dozen young ladies from 9-15 years old. I helped a little bit in the kitchen, but required directions. Someone later remarked on Facebook they would rather have had some of the experienced Young Helpers than half a dozen people like me that had to be told what to do next. *Sigh* I was trying!
   I rode back from Retreat with Becky, and stayed the night at her house. By the time I had retrieved my (Sam's) car from Ben and Paula's house, it was after 7 when I got back to Becky's. We stayed up later than we ought, visiting. I was on the road the next morning by 8.
The drive to Ft. Worth was awesome, especially along the minor highways as I headed towards I20. The early morning sun was coloring the foggy mist that cloaked the scrub oak, cedar, and mesquite trees. That far south, the trees are already beginning to bud. The skunks had come from hibernation- and many greasy black and white mounds of fragrance dotted the roads. Like many creatures, when the mating pheromones are heavy, they aren't as cautious of their surroundings as they might otherwise have been.
   I stopped in Ft. Worth and got to spend a short allotment of time visiting my son Christopher at the jail. He is warehoused not far from my Aunt's house, so I stopped in to visit her afterwards. We talked 90 miles an hour for our short visit, trying to catch one another up on family. She had an afternoon Doctor's appointment, and I had to get to Dallas to see son Tommy (Stephen!) at Christ For The Nations International. We had been planning to have lunch together, but I was so late we only had time to visit for his afternoon break. He made me a cup of Turkish coffee. I was there just long enough to drink it. (Tommy heads to Peru this afternoon!)
   From Dallas, I went to East Texas. It was growing dark when I got to mom's house. We visited awhile as she made supper, and stayed up a wee bit late... 10 or so. The "late nights" were wearing on me! We were both up early, and went over to Dad and Kathie's for coffee. I stayed a couple of hours visiting with them, then dropped Mom off and headed back home.
  It was a wonderful trip. (All 1387 miles of it) It has taken all the rest of THIS week to get more or less recovered from it!
Thank you to all who had a hand in the trip- I enjoyed seeing all of my children and 3/4 of my grands.
Be blessed today!