Sunday, April 5, 2020

"Shelter in Place"..... who can tell what day?

All around the world... all around the nation, this year's hyped up media panic has really caught on!
Yes, people are dying from this. But most people are NOT.
I was shunned  and rebuffed by an acquaintance I have long admired and looked up to. I dared to question why a person (who turned out to be her dear friend!) in authority (pastor of a large church) would post such a misleading and unsubstantiated statement on his widely read Facebook page.  He offered no citations for his post. When others questioned him, he stated it was information from the CDC, and those questioners should "google it."
Google was not my search engine of choice, but I did look up his claim- or tried to.
Not knowing the original poster, I stated that I had probably fallen for a ploy of garnering more "clicks" to his Facebook page, where advertisers pay for the number of people who visit the page. A statement, such as the one he posted, had many people visiting his page for the first time- asking him to clarify/ or showing him data contrary to his claim.
How dare anyone question the motives of a Preacher?

I also question the motives of the media. It's all about the money, isn't it?

The last couple of weeks, schools went from "extending Spring Break", to closing all schools for the rest of the semester, by State Mandate. Public buildings and local government services are curtailed or closed. People were told during the first weeks of this pandemic, that being outside was good and desirable. Now, parks and rivers and lakes are being closed. Some places are fining people for walking their dogs. People are being told to stay home unless they are essential workers. Layoffs are happening. Even at stores that are open for essential items, people are being verbally reprimanded for buying what are deemed to be 'non-essential' items.
WHAT? You are buying books and jeans? How DARE you! you are exposing these essential workers UNNECESSARILY ! (Even though you are in the store for essentials already, and they are working there already!) (Sorry...  my well worn jeans have fallen beyond decency, and the libraries are all closed!)

People are being told to wear protective masks and gloves on public. On a necessary trip to town the other day, I DID use gloves. And I followed my NORMAL procedure of wiping down my cart. For real, y'all. Little kids with snot clear down their chests  are gnawing on those basket handles. That's gross ALL the time. Druggies making their market run for antihistamines and brake cleaner to make their meth- all those byproducts of manufacturing. We live in chicken farm central around here. Seriously, I wipe down that cart!
Above wiping down my basket, on this trip I got my card out of my purse before I went in, so as not to be juggling the purse and getting any cooties into it. I carried my purse over my shoulder, rather than setting it into the basket. Our store had cart wipes this time, so I grabbed two from the dispenser. One was for wiping the cart, the second I used to pick up/ touch the things I had to deal with inside the store. I carried it back to the car, wiping my door handle. I turned my gloves inside out, and disposed of them and the wipe in the nearby trash can. Once in the car, I still used hand sanitizer. I use hand sanitizer every time I get back in the car from shopping trips- I have for several years now.

I have NO IDEA what Oklahoma's current COVID19 status alert is- the  changes daily across the US, becoming more and more restrictive, are almost impossible to keep up with.

1 comment:

Truth said...

It's all pretty crazy and contradictory at times. I haven't left my house because I have asthma, but I cringe letting my husband, who is over 65, do my errands. He is terrible at remembering to wash his hands. He never washes his hands. He will take out the garbage, then come in and make himself a sandwich. There are so many things I could say, but I won't. I had my comments deleted off a family member FB page yesterday and today found out another family member's sweet mother-in-law, whom I dearly love was in hospice and most likely to pass today. By the time I could send a message to her husband to share with her, she was already gone. But nobody bothered to say anything. (I know, a side rant that I knew you'd understand.)