Wednesday, January 31, 2018

How did I find time for this stuff?

I had forgotten what a huge "time sucker" the internet is!
I went to work this morning, and was sent back home less than 2 hours later- a combination of there being two dishwashers  culinary utensil sanitation specialists on duty, plus a total dearth of customers, plus I couldn't stop my sneezing/ sinus draining. Sneezing is NOT good in a restaurant situation... though I am always careful to cover my sneezes! Even if I had been 100% fine, they didn't need me there. I am additional income to our family- the other lady supports herself on this job. If one of us goes home, I feel like it is better that I lose hours than for her to have her income cut.

Guess what? I was looking back over the blog yesterday, and saw that in March, I will have been blogging here for 10 years. So, I am planning to come up with some sort of 'celebration'... with prizes or something. My readers have an outstanding chance of winning, as I have maybe 25 people who do read the blog!

For today, I just wanted to say "howdy, howdy, howdy!" again, and that I am so thrilled to be able to be online again! Thanks for reading.

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