Thursday, February 8, 2018

The "flu" has not flown our coop....

At work last Wednesday- I think that was the last bite of January-  I started sneezing. I was sneezing so hard and so much, people were starting to roll their eyes in "Really? again?" instead of "Salud!", "Bless you!", or  "gesundheit!". Then the snot faucet opened and it was going full blast. Not acceptable in a restaurant situation... so I was sent home. Thursday, I was full blown ill. Freezing and shivering so hard my teeth were chattering as I huddled under a mound of blankets in front of the heater... and the house thermometer was reading 78*
On Friday, I went "suck it up, Buttercup" and in to work. The place was already short handed, and it was MY shift- no one I felt I could call. I took Advil Cold and Sinus meds., dressed warm, and went in. I was too cold to take off my sweater- ever tried to wash dishes in a sweater? Though the "artificial feel better" of the Advil had me on my feet- the manager saw right through it. I was sent home about 20 minutes after clocking in. By Saturday, I thought I just MIGHT be feeling better. Sam came down with it. On Sunday, I was sure I was better. Monday saw me as firm as ever, while Tom was starting to feel peaked. Tuesday,  and Wednesday, Tom fell hard. Daniel fell ill Tuesday night. I was able to work yesterday (Wednesday), felt fine all day. Tom went in today, all pumped full of artificial feel better, to spread the misery. He took his blanket and extra coat, plus refills of the OTC meds. If his ran the same course as mine, he ought to feel a whole lot better before the day is out. Sam was better in about 36 hours. I think Dan is about the same recovery rate as Sam, though his boss doesn't want him back until he is fever free for 24 hours- sometime tonight.
While I tried to be considerate of everyone, ALWAYS covering my face when coughing or sneezing... Mr C. missed the memo. He has hacked and sneezed and coughed all over everything... including right in my face. This morning, my bronchials are raspy and feel wet. I do NOT have a fever, but do have a bad cough. I've been disinfecting every surface in the house with clorox and lysol wipes. Tom told me I should get Lysol spray to sanitize the air. I have argued that it doesn't work like that... and spraying an aerosol of ANY kind pretty much sends me to spasms where I need an inhaler.

In other news..... I fixed a bad leak under the sink at work. It has been squirting a stream of water all over the dishperson's feet every time the garbage disposal is turned on. Complaints haven't fixed the issue, as trivial as others must find it. So I got under the sink and saw that a stream of water was NOT coming from the garbage disposal seal (which does still leak )... but from an apparent hole in the copper feeder water pipe to the disposal. I reported the hole to the kitchen manager, then took a closer look. It wasn't a hole at all. It was a junction of two pipes fitted together with a screw on coupler... and the coupler was completely unscrewed. I screwed it back together... and TA DA! Water was no longer shooting a stream at my sneakers when the disposal was turned on! Just annoys me I have put up with this for six weeks or so without taking a closer look myself. Meanwhile, we still are using a full sheet pan to deflect the disposal's bad gasket drips. Fixing that is beyond my pay grade.

Today, I need to work on my Mommy-do list. The refrigerator freezer is in desperate need of attention. I was going to work on it Tuesday, but I can't tackle a major job with Tom home. I also need to mop the vinyl floors... also something I prefer to do when other people aren't home. (Dan is still here, but I may try to do the freezer anyway). I need to figure out what to do about Nickole's upcoming ninth birthday. So anyways, I hope YOUR day is blessed, that you and your loved ones are in good health. Wash those hands and cover up the coughs and sneezes!

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