Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Tuesday Morning (not the store)

I have a rough outline for this week.
Yesterday was our routine Monday grocery shopping and errands, followed by the blood drive in the evening. I had possibly the worst time ever for the blood donation.
The tech stuck the needle in my arm, but missed the vein. She slid the needle back, without removing it from my arm, and gave it another jab. Missed again. Fished around with the needle under the skin, jabbed again. Another miss. I offered that she could remove the needle and try the other arm.
Nope. She was determined. It took about four tries before she got any blood to flow. It wasn't my usual quick pint. The next person in line behind me was brought in, set up, and finished five minutes or more before my pint was full. Today my donation site is so sore I can hardly use my arm.

Today's plan: laundry and laundry room. (I already have a load of segregated clothing in the machine!) Yesterday, my DD Becky joined an internet debate on whether or not to sort clothing. My kids were all taught to sort! So... in ten or fifteen years, if my grandchildren do not sort laundry and are posed the question: "Didn't you ever learn to do laundry?" well then, it's not MY fault!
 I may try to get to "floors"- I got a new squirty wet mop.

Tomorrow: Bathrooms, and finish floors
Thursday: Set up guest room and make sure the house is reasonably baby-proofed. (We got new guest pillows, Hooray!)
Friday: Thrift shopping and fun stuff with Ben and Paula

Depending on the weather, we hope to have a bonfire while Ben and Paula are here. Mr C is talking about Rusty and Randy Roosters being a featured food, rotisseried over coals. We are both fed up with being challenged as to which of us (Human or rooster) is cock of the walk every time we go out to the pen.

I need to bring the box of toys in from the storage shed.

Those are my basic "plans" for the week.

May your week be blessed!

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