Thursday, February 21, 2019

Best laid plans of mice* and Moms

*No mice are involved in this post!

So, Ben and Paula decided to take an extra day in arriving, so they can detour by and introduce Milo to his Great Grands in East Texas!
That's OK... but I went into crastination mode.
I think my elementary school science is coming into play in my life. I'm becoming inert. (An object at rest tends to stay at rest unless acted upon by an outside force.)
I'm getting so that I don't leave the house unless acted on by an outside force. In today's case, my outside force is that we have guests coming. My floors need to be swept, as one of these guests is still basically a crawler. My broom is broken. For real, not like a child's retort, "Do it yourself, your leg's not broken!"
Jaffa seems to have intestinal parasites, which has cause some vomiting. I had not associated vomiting with parasites, but he exhibited other telling behavior and I looked up treatment- and found vomiting is also a sign of parasites.
Anyway, Jaffa vomited by the front door. Mr. C was forced to deal with it, as I am a sympathetic puker.  Despite being asked to use the ratty "porch broom" (about a dozen times in the past!) for clean ups of this kind, he grabbed my 'good' kitchen broom. During the course of the clean up, the broom's handle bent, almost in two pieces. It is rendered useless.
So "broom" was added to the shopping list. And I need it TODAY.
The shopping list has grown. It is longer today than it normally is for an entire week's worth of shopping- and we just went Monday! We had skipped buying fresh fruit, thinking we had "plenty". Found we had a couple of apples and one orange when we got home. Not cool! Didn't have any yogurt left, when we thought we had several on hand. So- to market I go. Today.

Then, floors and bathrooms remain on my to-do list. (Laundry is caught up, horizontal surfaces are purged and cleansed.) I have bedding and such set into the "guest" room, but not set up. Mr C has boxes of car parts that need toted OUT of the living room to his tool shed tonight. I need to locate the stored box of toys and bring them in from storage, and we will be all set.
I suppose I better get myself in gear and GO!
Have a blessed day.

1 comment:

Truth said...

Hope you have a wonderful visit! I wish I had your energy, you amaze me at all you are able to accomplish. Aren't we the same age or close? Miss you.