Friday, May 31, 2019

Adjusting to the New Normal

Oh yeah.  "Normal" is a setting on the dryer. It doesn't really tell us very much, except our clothes ought to dry without too many wrinkles.

It was just a few days in to our new journey that we concluded that artificial food coloring IS an issue. We have been working hard to avoid it.
The days are mostly peaceful. I've been having a LOT of stress and stress related headaches. Having tachycardia (high heart rate) and my blood pressure has been higher than usual.

I have been dealing with trying to make wellness visits to the doctor. Dentist appointments, as it's been awhile since she's seen a dentist (2 years according to her records sent to me, and looking at her teeth). I can't change her Primary Care Provider without re-applying to her coverage provider with our information... and we don't qualify. She can't be added to our insurance without a judge granting guardianship. The paperwork we have is "permissive" guardianship, not legal. I CAN take her to the doctor in an emergency.
In dealing with trying to get her a bank account, I find I need a photo ID for her. This requires her actual SS card, and a legal copy of her birth certificate- not a copy of a copy.
We are going to have to talk to a lawyer ourselves.

Seems like every time I speak with Grandpa Glenn, I get overly stressed out. I don't know if he is just trying to make conversation, or what.
He questioned me about the number of children my daughter has, whether she's going to have more, and whether or not she's ever heard of birth control.
He asked about Sam, when does Sam finish school? I told him Sam graduated Arkansas College of Electricity a couple of weeks ago. "So now he's gonna be out there looking for a job? Good luck with THAT! So now that he's graduated, are you looking at getting him out of the house, having him make his own way?"
He didn't believe that Sam has worked his way through college, is gainfully employed, and pays us rent every month.
None of these things are even remotely his business. If he were just enquiring to be polite, he should restrain his opinions on the matter.
I believe it may be due to unforgiveness on my part. I keep having 'flashbacks' to the night we arrived at his house after Bill died. All the grief of losing a son, and he is standing behind me, going over his record book of all the wrongs he has recorded that Bill had done since he had known him.
I tense up, I start shaking, and pretty soon my heart is racing, my head is pounding, and I am in tears.
I THOUGHT I had forgiven him, but my body is reacting as it did that night.
I remind myself, he has tried to do what he could in raising Nickole. I was upset over his remarks that "now we are getting a taste of what he's gone through with her and her ways!"
I really have no idea what he means. He says stuff like that every summer, and we have never had any problems. She may be reluctant to try new foods, but many kids are. We make her try them anyway- and she has discovered she LIKES many things she didn't know she would like.
It makes me wonder how much of the problems he has with her is based on her body's response to the foods she was eating.

Nickole found a cookbook for children at the library. She's been anxious to try many of the recipes. Eager to help in the kitchen. (Until actual help is asked for!) (At least she's showing an interest, on her own terms.) When she gets up this morning, she is going to learn to make Grancakes. My own recipe... which she has loved to eat every time she visits. Today, the secrets will be revealed.

1 very ripe banana
2  eggs (3 if they are small)
1 cup of uncooked oatmeal
1/4 tsp.  aluminum free baking powder
1/2  tsp.(or more to taste) vanilla 
1/4 tsp. salt

Heat heavy skillet or griddle, lightly oiled.
In food processor, grind oatmeal to bits that cannot be identified as oats.
Peel ripe banana, add to food processor. 
Add remaining ingredients, and process to a smooth batter.
Pour out into desired sized pancakes on hot skillet.
Carefully flip as the bottom side browns lightly.
Finish cooking. (both sides lightly browned and set)
Serve as desired with: butter, syrup, whipped topping, fresh fruit, powdered sugar
Nickole will not even TRY a banana. She won't eat oatmeal, even in a cookie. Yet, she begs for these pancakes. They are high in protein & fiber, gluten free, sugar free and basically fat free (before toppings). 
From time to time,  I add spices to the batter. Cinnamon, nutmeg, a hint of ginger.  Try adding pecans or walnuts for a banana bread flavor.

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