Wednesday, February 13, 2013

And So It Goes...

Today was my third day back at O'Reilly's. It had the potential to be my LAST day even before it began. See, I got into it with a customer yesterday. The manager was out of town, but three people, including the assistant manager and the shop accounts manager, told me to self-report the incident to the boss when he got in today.
Without naming customer names, I told him of my run in. I even told him a few choice words of my opinion about this customer... which I did NOT actually use upon said customer. I am normally unfailingly polite to the customers, and I really did manage to hold on to that politeness during our conversation.... up to the point where I hung up on him.
So my boss was thinking about how he should handle my run in... when my co-worker came in and asked if I had told the boss about *******? 
Upon hearing the name of the customer... the entire situation changed. O's has had SO MUCH trouble with guy, my run in may of just been the final straw.
I said, "well, you know, it's just *******, that's just how ******* IS."
Boss said ******* has hidden behind that excuse too long- no one needs to put up with guy and his attitude and foul mouth.
Today I did manage to get done (YAY!) in my allotted five hours. The basics of the job are coming back to me, I am comfortable in it. Just have to pick back up on the speed, and get the accumulated problems all dealt with.
Tomorrow is OIL DAY! Oil Day is when we get our supply of motor oils and filters and other petroleum products to replace stock sold and stock up for sales. Typical weekdays, I get 1 to 1 1/2 pallets of freight. Oil day usually has four, or even more, pallets. So even more lifting than I've done so far. I'll pretty much need a soak in a hot bath tomorrow for sure.

That's about all for now. The Individuals' co-worker, Jodi, is recovering nicely from having a brain tumor removed. We have seen prayers really work.
Have a blessed day!

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