Friday, July 12, 2019

Give me Grace

There are some things that just HAVE to be done. As much as I want to throw up my hands, smack something, or just scream until I am hoarse... I have to persevere.
One thing is educating a reluctant learner. For the second summer, we are working on simple math facts.
We have worked these past 10 days on 7+6=13 . 6+7=13.
Flash cards. Drills. Physical exercise/ riding a bike and reciting with each push of the pedal :Seven. Plus. Six. Equals. Thirteen.
We have done sitting on our hands while using flash cards. Allowing to finger count.
Today I did several timed drills. Marked the spot where the timer went off, and then had her finish the sheet.  ALL the mistakes are after the timer went off, or on untimed drills. She misses 6+7 / 7+6 as often as she gets it right. (And several others, but we have concentrated on 6+7 for more than a week.)
I am having her copy the sums down 25X each when she misses one.
There is wailing and gnashing of teeth.
(Hers too.)
We need to move on with other items to bring her up to grade level. But we are staying with the sums until she gets them down.
I need ideas. How do we overcome this... mental block.... or whatever it is.
There are some things she can be shown once, and remember forever.
And then there is 6+7=13.
We are not heading into 5th grade unable to do first grade math. We just are not.

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