Wednesday, March 13, 2019

And speaking of time...

Mr C has been working on replacing the timing belt in our Honda. (I use the term "our" loosely. All of "our" vehicles are Mr C's. But he lets me drive them.)
I got to help mostly by holding the flashlight. And making suggestions, most of which were shot down. Some were received and, surprising to some, actually worked. But mostly, I held the flashlight and kept company. As long as it is as disassembled as it is, Mr C may also check/ replace the brake pads.
In other news, today is the hard day. 7th anniversary of Bill Joe's passing.
I have been laying awake at night, bombarded by so many thoughts. One was about the most elementary of things we learn in Science class in grade school.
Matter and energy cannot be created nor destroyed, but only changed in form.
I thought of the glucosamine tablet we give Jaffa every evening. I put it into a mortar, and crush it to dust with a pestle.
The essence of what it IS remains, but its form is gone.  No longer the familiar capsule shape, but a fine powder. Turn the wind upon it, and it blows away. Is it gone? Yes, and NO. The form has changed, but the glucosamine is still what it was before.
What about us? Are we gone because our earthen vessel is destroyed?
I started this post on Sunday, the 10th.
This is Wednesday the 13th.
The Honda remains on the jack stands, as the timing belt cover had been broken. We had to order a new one, so the repair project is on hold.

Thank you to all who have been praying for me.

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