Wednesday, March 20, 2019


(The sound of Spring being Sprung)
Which reminds me of the first poem I ever wrote. I think I was seven.
"Spring Has Sprung
The Grass is gris
Uncle Denny is wondering
Where all the fishes is"

Well, I was just 7!
And I have no idea how I knew what "gris" meant.

The first day of Spring is our dog's birthday. Jaffa is 13 (or 14?) today.
No doggy party is planned, but maybe he can have some extra meat tonight.
Some big changes are headed our way.
Our Grand daughter Nickole has asked to come and live with us. She's supposed to move here once school is out for the summer. We look forward to having her, and ask prayers for all of us as we adjust- including her Mom and Grandpa she is leaving behind.
The timing of waiting until school is out for the summer may make it easier for Nickole, as she has come and stayed with us during the summer for a number of years now.

I have a lot of hopes, and a number of fears regarding this.
We will lay the fears into God's hands, and trust Him to fulfill our hopes as well.
Kids grow up SO fast. They have so much to learn, and time does fly.
Thank you for praying for us!

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