Tuesday, March 26, 2019

In Which You Laugh At Me

Just laugh folks- I have to!
Where do I stick the fork? I am SO done.
I had been talking to Tommy (my 5th born) and thus avoiding the Very Necessary chore of vacuuming the living room, which I successfully procrastinated off last week. I finally cut our conversation short and got out the vacuum.
(Gotta love talking to your grown home schooled kids, we had been discussing quantum entanglement.)
 The kitty had some spilled cat food from his dish on a small rug in my bathroom. I figured, I was already closer to the cat food than the living room, why not vacuum up the cat food first?
Using the wand of the vacuum, I was snagging individual kitty kibbles, when the throw rug got sucked a bit into the nozzle. I stepped on the rug and tried to pull the nozzle free.
This only made the water and food dishes tip over, spilling onto the floor. I grabbed for the water dish- and my sweater fell off my shoulders into the toilet! Standing abruptly to fish the sweater from the pot- I hit my head on the corner of the upper cabinet door, which someone invariably leaves open.
I then had spilled cat food, water all over the floor, a dripping wet sweater and a knot on my head- and I still hadn't even STARTED to vacuum the living room.

That was on Friday.
I do so love going into a weekend being able to relax and not worry about playing catch up the house work. It was a damP weekend. I know my kids and close friends heard the emphasis on the "p" in damp. I always emphasize the P... since the time I had a whole gaggle of church ladies come to my house for brunch one day. A last minute inspection of the facilities, just as I let the ladies in, revealed several freshly used bath towels across the bathroom floor. I called the guilty children in and demanded they get in there and pick those damp towels up off the floor.
A collective gasp came from the Church Ladies.
I turned to see mouths agape.
"DAMP!  I said, DAMP!"
They all laughed, but I was embarrassed.

Anyway, Mr C decided it was too wet to garden, but the winds were light. So we burned brush. Both on Sunday and Monday. I was dragging dead branches hewn from the trunk of a fallen hickory tree over to the bonfire. I hoisted the limb and gave it a heave into the fire. The limb retaliated. I got whacked in the head with a well seasoned hickory stick.
If you are counting- that is TWO conks on the noggin in less than 4 days. Both while TRYING to work. (Neither are serious, just bruising.)
We have two major piles of deadfall and brush reduced to ash, which can be spread on the garden.

Oh, I said I loved going into the weekend being able to relax and not play catch up on housework, didn't I? Well, this was YARD work. In addition to burning brush, and picking up dead fall branches from the yard, I moved all the rock edging from my front flowerbed so that it could be expanded and tilled. (Then the rain started, making it too wet to till!) I also mucked out the litter from the chicken pen and dusted it with diatomaceous earth.
Today, the laundry which was generated over the weekend. Watering the greenhouse and adding a few seeds that need started. One day soon, I need to shop for a bed for Nickole's room.
Have a blessed week!

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