Wednesday, May 30, 2018

CowGranny's House Day 1

I got Nickole picked up yesterday. We made it back to the house around 4 in the afternoon.
The Packing For CowGranny's House was a wasted effort on this one! SIX bags. We have two large drawers cleared in the chest of drawers, and the excess heaped in piles.
Once we got here, I had to get Sam's car cleaned up, so Nickole put on one of her swimsuits and we washed the car. She was looking forward to hamburgers for supper... until the hamburgers were actually on the table. *sigh*
(Mr. C cut it into bites for her, and Daniel and Sam made themselves ice cream cones as she ate. Umpaw ate over half of it for her.)
Since it was so late when we got back, about all we did was wash the car and cook supper. Nickole went for a little walk with Umpaw when he got home.
We had to repair one of the expensive and fragile toys Nickole brought. She dropped it before she even got into the house, and a plastic post snapped off. Fortunately, the post was hollow, and snapped off with a bit of a stump left. The hollow was just big enough I could insert a toothpick snugly, so I spliced it back together with a bit of toothpick and superglue. The day was saved.
We got a bit of thunderstorm last night, so I don't have to water the garden today. Not sure what our plans will be, but we will think of something!
I saw that the wild blackberries and raspberries are going to be abundant this year. They are not quite ripe yet, but beginning to turn! We ought to be making jelly by next week!

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