Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Better Living through pharmaceuticals!

While at my mom's house this last week, there was plenty of stress to go around. It seems like I kept a headache. I know I raided her pharmacy drawer several times for ibuprofen.
Ralph had not been feeling well, some bug had him running fever and running nose, coughing and sneezing. We went through Mom's ibuprofen.
At one point, she took her opened bottle into her room for Ralph. He fell asleep and she forgot to bring it out. Not wanting to wake him up, Mom started looking for her back-up bottle when I needed some later.
She produced the bottle... but then started laughing as she opened it. Right sized bottle, right colored label... but WRONG product! I am so glad she noticed before feeding me stool softeners!

Our plans for the early part of the week were changed when Sam fell sick to the rampaging bug. Roger's remains needed to be picked up from the funeral services office. I was going to drive them to my Dad's house in East Texas and stay the night with him, then drive on back to Arkansas Wednesday. A quick change of plans  had me meeting Dad and Kathie halfway. We exchanged hugs, moved Roger to their vehicle, and I headed for home. (I hope you are not offended that I call his remains by Roger's name. I was upset to have them referred to as "that". He was my youngest brother, and deserves dignity and respect. I completely understand joking and laughing, gallows humor. But to seriously dismiss his remains as "that" really bothered me.

Mr C and Daniel were surprised, but glad to see us. They were both ill. Mr C is as sick as I have ever seen him. I hope he is feeling better soon. Dan was well enough that he went to work today. If Sam isn't well enough to work tomorrow, Dan may fill in for him.  I had to go see my former boss... but missed him as HE went home with the flu!

I was in bed by 10 last night- the earliest I have been in a week. Grief seems to keep me awake until I just collapse. I slept until after 9 am. I know I have to be up early tomorrow- or Dan will have to take Sam to work. We did get the car unloaded this afternoon, but that was as far as we got.

Hugs to those you love. Take nothing for granted. If you have to make an excuse to get off the phone, as we all do with people at times, be sure it is done with love.

"Less than Three" to all of you. <3 br="br">


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