Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Jan 22nd

It's two days past Connor's 13th birthday! The kid who made me a CowGranny, from the son who made me a mother. Happy birthday to my first born teenage grandson. Grumpaw and I sent him a card with a few dollars in it- while Uncles Daniel and Sam knew the perfect gift: Connor's very own Minecraft subscription.
 As we do tend to have many double birthdates in our family, Connor shares his with cousin Luke Landoll, who is now a great big TWO years old. Happy birthday, Luke!

Tomorrow is my favorite brother in law's birthday. Bob "Buck" (Bucky Bobby Beaver) catches up with me in age. (SHHHH... you don't HAVE to say he is my ONLY brother in law!)

As I mentioned in a previous post, my son Tommy has started Christ For The Nations, International (CFNI). He also started a blog about his new journey into Life. "World Changer" which you are invited to read. (Just click on the words World Changer in the previous sentence.)

How is learning to drive the standard truck going for the Individuals?
It isn't. At least not yet. The truck has a pretty significant problem, which will require repair before they can even begin to learn to drive it. The "slave cylinder" has a significant leak. While relatively inexpensive for the part itself, the drive shaft AND transmission have to be removed to access it. So, Mr C and the boys will be trying to do that this coming weekend. (Mechanic estimated cost was $450-$800. Sam says "No. (He) has to learn to work on vehicles eventually, may as well start!") Mr C or myself have been able to drive the truck with very little difficulty- but it does indeed need an experienced Standard driver to operate it safely.

Today, I am cooking TWO POUNDS of beans. This is my very first time to ever "soak overnight". I usually so an hour long "power soak". And I usually do not cook a full two pounds for the four of us!  It is Becky's and Paula's fault! They made some amazing refried beans (from scratch) while I was there. But if I am going to have refried beans, I want the good old beans and cornbread first... so I cooked more than usual. Daniel is preparing for his Appalachian Trail hike in 2015... and wants to dehydrate some of the cooked beans to practice re-hydration and cooking times, as well as meal variations... so I cooked the entire bag.

Dan purchased a VERY nice dehydrator at one of the big Christmas Saturday sales. We haven't put it to huge use just yet, but with garden season soon upon us... THE garden season prior to his big Hike!, we plan to make a lot of use of it this year.
We figure that if Dan starts testing recipes now, he will be well prepared for the 6 month Appalachian Trail hike. Prepackaged meals are VERY expensive, and may not be the best tasting things you can eat. But we hope to have him a nice variety of recipes and dehydrated foods to keep him going. (Who knows, if we make better stuff than what is on the market now, maybe we can have a business!)

Speaking of having a business, the last few days I have been thinking that maybe I ought to SELL my Jalapeno Jelly. People certainly seem to love it! At the moment, I certainly *think* I would enjoy making endless batches of jelly during the season, than working part time elsewhere, year round. Maybe I ought to crunch numbers on it?

Right now, everyone seems to be feeling better. Work has been light, though once again, my daily duties have been added to! I stocked the oil aisle yesterday, as I used to do daily when I first started, years ago. (I was full time, and an "opener"- one who is on hand for early customers. We tend to not be so busy early, and I would stock shelves to keep myself busy.) Boss "patted my back" today... said oil aisle looks so great... he is adding it to my daily duties before I can go home. I told him "*thanks*  I will be full time before its over!"
Seriously, there is something wrong when a 53 year old woman an old lady works circles around trim and fit 20something year old males. Really? I put up three cases of oil yesterday while one of the young punks meditated/ counted/ looked confused over a six pack of oil. I made THREE TRIPS past him, stocking the aisle, while he stood looking at the contents of the SAME box.

(Mr C said he won't get fired because not only can he count the contents of the six pack... he can do it in SPANISH!) Yes, I am thrilled we finally hired someone who can speak Spanish. I just wish he worked a bit more... enthusiastically.
Thanks for reading! Now go visit Tommy's blog!

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