Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Ben's birthday...

We left first rattle out of the box to go get his insurance on his truck, and the title changed into his name. The insurance agency says the new policy doesn't go into effect until tomorrow, so we have to delay the title until then. We stopped by Sears, because yesterday when I looked online, I saw that the tool set Tom wanted to get Ben was only available in Fayetteville. So Dan and I went to Fayetteville... and I failed to notice the tools were some $70 MORE than they were supposed to be!

So when we realized that last night, I thought I would see if the little local "hometown" Sears in Siloam would make it right. After discussion, we found that they DID have the same tool set, in "last year's model"... for $20 LESS than I had found them in Fayetteville. "Last Year's Model" had better wrenches.. One thing Mr C had griped about was the set I purchased yesterday only had "6 Point" wrenches, and he says "12 point" are better. The one I exchanged for... for an overall savings of $90... has 12 point wrenches. Plus I didn't have to drive all the way to Fayetteville to do all of this.

Ben hadn't thought to bring along his whole tool box... so I had needed to come home and return it to the Siloam Sears. Ben opted to stay home. So while I was out and about- I got my hair cut.
I got some travel essentials for Tom and the boys... run run run!

We had chicken fried steaks for supper last night- with gravy, mashed taters, and a green bean casserole. Pretty funny Ben had been thinking Green Bean Casserole all day. We topped it off with home baked cheesecake... so his happy birthday cake was a day early.

Have a great day!

1 comment:

Becky said...

MMMMM, I want green bean cassarole.
You need to post a pictch of your new haircut.

Happy 21st Anniversary of your Birth, Ben!