Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Today was library day

I got a late start, as work was pretty heavy. It was nearly 10:30 by the time I clocked out, which was leaving plenty of the things to do that have a flexible deadline. Tom was home right on my heels, for lunch.

Sam was making home fries, so I tossed a few hamburger patties into the skillet. We had burgers and fries for lunch. For supper, I am going to make some sort of au gratin potatoes, with a bit of burger in them... seems like a repeat of lunch! I will add some chopped chilies, cheese, and maybe some cream of  WhateverI'veGot soup. Top it off with some Blue and Gold bacon. Hmmm...  Bacon-Cheeseburger Tater Casserole. How is that for a name?

Tonight is another of Alana's soccer games. Don't yet know if I will be going to it or not.

Becky was talking about us starting a line of greeting cards. Funny thing, I had just said the same thing to an old friend a few days before. Corner some little market niche. I'm sure whatever niche it is, it will be offbeat and funny.

"That's No Short Sheep! That's my MOM!"

Maybe we should go with the line of "Misfortune Cookies" that the kids and I discussed after a Chinese dinner. I have actually FOUND "Misfortune cookies". It doesn't say what the ones you can already buy say... but ours were pretty funny. "Hope you enjoyed your last meal".

My Mom's birthday was yesterday. I really was unprepared for it this year. I got her a bottle of  Blackberry Adult Beverage, and took her jars of seedless blackberry jelly, and some of the jalapeno jelly the boys and I made earlier this summer. Today, I finally ordered a quick gift for Benjamin.. he will be 22 later this week. Ben views any attempt by me to get him to read my blog, as entrapment. So I can show you what I got for him.
DRAT! It just occurred to me, I didn't go through my own site to order this, so I don't get advertising credits!

Ben, Tommy, and Daniel are all enterprising young cooks. I located this book on ThinkGeek.com. But I ordered it from Amazon. I'm bad like that. I find something on one site, then shop around for the best price I can find!

Mr C is fretting about going on his vacation in a couple of weeks. I do hope he doesn't change his mind about going! Two weeks here at home will drive both of us bonkers!

Oh, a matter of prayer. God is never too late. Our elderly neighbor Richard- the one whose great grandkids have been such a terror to us over the years due to his pond... Well, his mobile is being foreclosed on and due to be hauled away. The grandson who took such advantage of him, ran up the bills so high that Richard got behind on the house payment. He owns his land outright, but his poor old trailer is set to be hauled off this week. I just can't see that it has enough value to repossess. Trailers as old as this have virtually NO resale value. It will cost more to haul it off than the home is worth. I guess the bank can't just "forgive" and let it go... defaulters have to be taught a lesson, right? The lesson of not helping out their ungrateful kin? Richard will be forced to live with his daughter. Please pray for him!

well, That is about all for today. time to get started on that bacon cheeseburger tater casserole. Have a blessed night!

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