Thursday, January 20, 2011

Ten Years Ago...

This young man was born.  MY first grandson, Connor.
My son called me about 10 pm the night before, pretty sure "This is it". I told him call me back when he was for SURE "this is it." He and his wife Jennifer lived in Claremore, some four hours away.

Sometime in the wee hours of morning, I got the call... Come on!
Mr C had insisted I take the twins with me. I had no idea what I was supposed to do with two four year olds, but he refused to watch them... so I had to take them with me. I also took my 15 year old daughter, Becky. She watched the twins at Chris' house.

I got as far as OK City on my trip, and HAD to stop for gas. That was when I discovered I had left my wallet at home. It absolutely was NOT in my purse. No bank card, very little money. Frustrated, I was about to cry. I would have to turn back, and miss my grandson's birth. For some reason, I opened the glove box. Inside was the checkbook. Tom NEVER left the checkbook in the car- yet there it was. I used what small amount of cash I had (and probably all of Becky's as well) to buy some gas, and gamely headed on towards Claremore. All I would have to do in Claremore would be to find someone to cash a check for me... with no ID. (My driver's license was in my billfold... at home!)

I got to Claremore... I still have no recollection of what I did to pay tolls along the way! I think we stopped first at the hospital to collect keys from Chris, then I took the kids to Chris and Jenn's house, and returned to the hospital.

I hadn't been there very long at all, when it was obvious Jenn was in transition. She was ready for this whole labor thing to be over... and asked just how much longer it was going to take. Her Mom told her it could still be hours. I looked at her and said it would be very soon. Jenn's Mom looked at me, and I whispered, "I think this is a great time to lie to her... she needs to know this is almost over, not going to drag on for hours!"

Really, It wasn't long.  It was 20 minutes before George W Bush was inaugurated when Connor came into the world. As Jenn pushed him out to meet the crowd, my son Chris wobbled. He was right next to me, and just fell right over into me. He recovered very quickly, and was soon greeting his new son. One of the first things he said to Connor was he was sorry Connor had to endure even the last 20 minutes of the Clinton presidency!

Connor was soon dressed up in a little "OU" outfit., be admired and cuddled by everyone. I brought Becky up to see him, and my son Bill accepted a check from me, went to the bank and cashed it, and provided me with money to get home on.

Happy Birthday Connor. We have all loved you form the very minute you were born!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't think I could have made it through Connor's delivery un-medicated, if you had not been there. I wanted to pop my mom's head like a zit. LOL I was so close to giving up and taking the drugs. I'm glad I didn't. I wish you had been there during Alana's birth. (Chris was not a good coach. "Shut up and take the drugs so I can sleep" is not helpful) It's amazing how fast 10 years goes when your on the parenting side.