Sunday, May 30, 2010

Wow, Sunday Already!

This past week really flew by. The boys and I did school work, cleaned, did round 2 of the flea bombs. Work was very busy, and a trifle aggravating.
On the plus side, I did find out yesterday I will be off Tuesday! Woot! I found out by calling the warehouse, after Boss said he didn't know whether the truck ran Tuesday morning or not. Boss suggested I just show up and see if the truck came.

Yeah, right.
Get up at 4:30 am and get ready, go in to work and then WAIT to see if the truck showed up? I figured calling was a better solution. Now I KNOW the truck isn't coming, and I therefore have the day off. Much better than standing around waiting for a truck that isn't coming.

One thing that I have really thought on this week is how we influence people. Especially our children. Am I being a person my children want to be like, or am I being a person my kids will strive to avoid being like?
We only have our own actions that we can control. With grace, discipline, and patience we can shape our young children. Ultimately, though they must learn self control. Are my children learning to disrespect others because I show others disrespect? Are they learning to scream and rage and break things as a way of expressing ire? Are they learning when to speak up, and when silence is a better answer?
I see so many young people who want to do things differently than their parents did. They hated the way they were raised so much, they determine that they will do things differently with their own children. Some succeed, while others lack the self control and end up doing the things they hated in their own upbringing.
With every generation, it seems the gaps are widening. There are those who knowingly or unwittingly, become more the demonstration of Christ in their lives. They LIVE the life, they personify HIM. Maybe not all the time, they are still becoming. They emulate peace, joy, compassion.
Others embrace, and pass on, the traits Christ would have us to overcome. Greed, self centeredness, selfishness, and dissatisfaction.
I rejoice when I see in my children MORE of Christ than can be seen in me. I look at my Mother, and my Grandmother, and see all good, wonderful things that I hope to attain.

Have a blessed day.

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