Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I really hadn't planned to come inside the library today. I brought a book from home and was going to sit in the car. But, being 43* outside, and me with the coughing crud and larynxgitis... I figured I would be better off in the warm library.
Sam got his art turned in, and the two boys are doing their volunteering. I am keeping a computer chair warmed.
When we get home, I am strongly thinking of taking yet another nap. I mostly slept all through my days off. Sunday, Mr C just let me sleep. I didn't awaken until 10:45. I don't recall having ever slept that late! This was after going to bed by 8pm the night before. Then I took a 2 hour nap Sunday afternoon.
Hope you have a wonderful, blessed day today! Thanks for reading!

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