Monday, April 26, 2010

The past week

This past week, I could only hint that my "at home" boys were going to be busy. What they DID was head to West Texas for their brother Tommy's surprise birthday party! They headed out on Wednesday morning, stopping at their brother Bill's house in Duncan for a visit there. They got to see their niece Nickole!
After an overnight at Bill's, they went on to Becky's house, and the birthday party at Double Dave's Pizza in Snanjlo (San Angelo).
The boys headed for home on Saturday, detouring through Ft. Worth to see brother Chris. Getting out of Ft. Worth was FUN! Ben ended up heading SOUTH on I35, instead of North. He got far enough South before discovering his mistake, to get to where I35 rejoins itself. (It splits in to East and West up near Denton, with the East branch going through Dallas and the West branch going through Ft Worth. They ended up on the East branch, headed North, and went through downtown Dallas. After consulting the map, they took the new best route, up 75 into Oklahoma and home via 69.

A grand adventure.

I will go upload the pictures of their road trip to Shutterfly. Zesch's, I hope you don't mind... if you do, send me a note and I will remove your pictures!

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