Thursday, July 22, 2010

Another week gone by

Last evening was my 'hostage exchange'. I swapped grand daughter Alana for grandson Connor. Connor and the twins slept out under the stars last night. When I left for work at 5:30 this morning, I didn't see how they could of slept at all. It was sooo warm and muggy.

I had another attack of my remaining ovary yesterday. I took pain relievers and went to bed, sleeping it off. It was better last night, and I am fine this morning. However, I didn't do any time on the treadmill yesterday. That was my second day to miss since I started tracking my distance July 1st. I am glad to feel better- for one thing I would never have made work today. It was light for 'oil day'.

I had this blog finished- rather long- and my internet went out. It has been down all day, and had only 'saved' to the point where the stars above are. I was saving it on the computer... til Mr C got home and shut THAT off. So I had a nap instead.

I spent most of yesterday in bed, but feel so much better today. DS Bill spent some time in the ER. He is VERY allergic to "poison ivory". Just a good wind blowing across a patch of poison ivy before wafting across him can break him out. But this time he must have actually come into contact with it. I hope HE is feeling better today as well!

Becky reports that Tyrel, who will be THREE!!!! on Sunday, has said some too cute things this last week. After watching his Mommy and Daddy competing to see whose name Kimber Ann would say first: "Say Mama!" "Say DADA!" "Say MAMA!" "DADA!"... Tyrel took a moment to coach his sister for himself: "say TY-RAIL!".
He was playing with his toy trucks in the floor, and told his Daddy that his truck needed oil in it.
Stephen asked Ty, "Why does your truck need oil?"
Ty thinks it over seriously for a few minutes and tells Stephen, "I have NO IDEA". (I can just HEAR Becky saying that!)

The camp out boys have all slept all day. (In the relative coolness of the house). I got three loads of laundry done. I also got my treadmilling done.
For suppers lately, I have been cleaning out the freezer. As much as I have tried to keep things rotated, some stuff sifted to the bottom. I found a couple of packages of small charcoal steaks towards the bottom of the freezer. So we will have those on the grill, and some "Southwestern Potatoes" (Boxed from WM+ a few fresh microwaved and sliced real taters+ a can of cheese soup). I will probably also heat up a can of Bush beans.

Well, Let's see if I can pot this this time!
Have a blessed day!

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