Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Who can see what a year may bring?

Last year at this time, Chris was considering a move to DFW to accept a new job. Becky had a new baby. I wasn't even seriously considering quitting Eagle. Tommy and Ben were starting their last year of high school.

Today, Chris and Seneca are coming up on a year in Ft Worth. Seneca has almost completed schooling to be a medical assistant.... something that wasn't even a thought last year. I have quit Eagle, stayed home six months, and now gone back to work for another company. Tommy has moved away.

I would have hoped that the past year would have seen us moved into our own home. That hasn't happened. Like a mule tied to a mill post, we have been walking around and around and around in the same old rut.

Will I ever let go of my "stuff" that has been packed in boxes for so long? I have all my placemats and cloth napkins and platters and such for Thanksgiving dinner and big family get togethers in those boxes. My knick knacks and collectibles are still packed away. Books and more books- so far down we can't get to them. My sewing and craft supplies- all packed away, save for the sewing machine, needles and thread. Pictures packed up and not on display. Life in limbo.

I can't just unpack the boxes. There is no place to put these things, except for the wall photos. I have hung them up twice since we have lived here- and had to take them down because we were "about to move". (Which has fallen through every time.)

Dan and Sam are 7th graders now. Junior high/ Middle school age. Dan 's hobby is deep cleaning the house... we have nothing for him to do outside befitting a male of his age. Sam plays endless video games.

I'm kicking against a brick wall, it seems. I know things can change quickly. I want GOOD changes. I want "enough" for my family- all of my family. I want to see their needs met. I want good health for them all. Food on their tables, rooves over their heads, and jobs they like. Help Meets to love. A place where they can enjoy the life God has given them.

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