Saturday, July 19, 2008

Not completely lazy

I had one thing on my MUST DO list today... the baby shower for little Ashlyn who was born last month. That is at 5:30. I had quite a bit on my OTTER Do... go finish the grocery shopping, wash clothes, clean house, make my weekend calls. I only had a minor meltdown to tears when I got up... and Tommy wasn't coming out of his bedroom.

I had pretty well talked myself out of going to the grocery store. I just don't DO WalMart on Saturday. I stripped my bed and got the sheets washed and dried. (The bed still isn't made.) Made Hummingbird food and refilled their feeder. Called my Dad- who was out making hay in the sunshine. Called Mom Arlene. My Mom called me. I talked to Tom (on the road home) and Becky (who doesn't know how well her audition went for the Concho Pearl). I sat and read for a bit. Got hungry and stood in front of the fridge, freezer, and cupboards- and felt like old Mother Hubbard. Did that make me go to the store? No. Figured I would eat at the baby shower/ BBQ later.

But then I did decide to go on and get the shopping out of the way.

What DID make me go to the store- since I braved WalMart on a Saturday? The kids next door wading in the pond. At least this time the big sister was out there supervising. I am so very ready to move out of this place!

Now I'm back- the groceries put away, the dogs let out and in again. WalMart wasn't too bad... I hit it after most of the sleep-in-on-Saturday crowd had come and gone. I got on here to check for email... and figured I could blog for a few minutes, anyway.
I wish I had time for a nap... but instead I have a bed to make and clothes to fold... and I need to change out of this ratty T shirt before heading to the party. Yep- I wore a holey old T shirt out to the store. I knew if I took time to change out of it, I would talk myself out of going.

Guess I better get back on track- or it will be time to go before I'm ready.

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